NZR DC class diesel locomotive (shell) - NZ120


The NZR DC class locomotives are rebuilds of the earlier NZR DA class (G12) locomotives, designated as G22AR (AR for “Australian Rebuild”). 80 locomotives were rebuilt in Australia and 5 in New Zealand.

At one time the largest class of locomotives numerically in New Zealand, in recent years most of the remaining DC class locomotives have been withdrawn, with a number now owned by preservation groups.

Many have also been exported, including one to Tasmania, and others to Queensland and South Africa.

Scale is NZ120 (1:120 or TT scale). HO scale version is here.

Grills are now available for this 3D print.


  • NZ120: Lifelike, Kato or Atlas SD7 or SD9 N scale mechanism (pictured with a Lifelike SD7 chassis)


NZ120: 117.52mm long x 23.92mm wide x 30.52mm high

HOnz: 117.52mm long x 23.92mm wide x 30.52mm high

Design by Neil Ward, produced by 3 Foot 6 Models under license.

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DA / DC / DB / DBR grills - NZ120
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